Chronicles of the Sages

Fascinating Psychology Lecture: How To Integrate Your Shadow Self

Archie here. Do you you wish you were more assertive? Are you afraid to ask your boss for a raise, or to tell your friends and family what they need to hear? Do you have apprehensions telling the truth about yourself?

Life is filled with many great challenges, but if there’s anything we’ve learned from human history, our innate ability to overcome those challenges is even greater. The question is, what will it take for you to overcome them?

In this lecture, psychology professor Jordan Peterson talks about Carl Jung and his concept of the shadow. Our shadow self is similar to the “Id” concept pushed by Freud. It is our more primal and aggressive self, the part of us that we suppress when we want people to like us, and creates feelings of resentment when we are being taken advantage of.

Make no mistake about it, we are all monsters on the inside, capable of being very powerful and doing terrible things. If we make an effort to control our “shadow self,” understanding and harnessing it as part of our personality, it will transform us into a much more effective person.


So What Do You Think?

Did you find Carl Jung’s ideas about personality development useful? Any questions on integrating your shadow self?

From Athens’ forum to ours, live wisely my friends,

Archie the Sage